What is Natural Phenomena
Most of the booms that people hear or experience are the result of human activity such as an explosion a large vehicle going by nearby construction or sometimes a sonic. Most ideas take a circuitous path through the process shaped by unique people and events. 22 Ridiculously Cool Rare Natural Phenomena That Happen On Earth Fenomeni Naturali Paesaggi Meraviglie Naturali Natural phenomena can be classified according to the cause. . Rather than by logical and. Tires are the perfect form for a rammed-earth brick. It focuses on the why rather than the what of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives. Reports of unidentified booms have emerged from different places around the world for hundreds of years and although many of the boom stories remain a mystery others have been explained. Something that exists and can be seen felt tasted etc especially so...